If you’re seeking alternative medicine care in San Francisco, especially for skin concerns, I’d love to help you.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the clinic.

Booking your session

You can book your appointments online here.

Before you arrive

When you book your session, you’ll receive a link to the online intake form. If you don’t receive the link, please let me know! Please fill this out before your session.

Preparing for your session

Please eat a meal or snack before you arrive, and wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. For facial acupuncture appointments, please arrive without makeup.

Other than that, come as you are!

What to expect during the session

Acupuncture and herbal medicine encourage the body to return to balance. Most people feel a sense of relaxation after the session.

Your initial session is 75 minutes, and follow-up sessions are 60 minutes.

For facial acupuncture, the initial session is 90 minutes, and follow up sessions are 75 minutes.

For people only receiving herbs (no acupuncture), follow-up sessions are 30 minutes.

Number of sessions

We will discuss a treatment plan during your session, which includes how many sessions you may need and how frequently you should come into the clinic. It really depends on how long you’ve had the condition, and how well you respond to the initial session (or first round of herbs).


I do not take insurance directly, but I’m happy to prepare a detailed receipt (super bill) for you to submit to your insurance company.

About the clinic

To learn more about the clinic, head here.

I hope to see you sometime soon!

You can book your initial session here.
